Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a nonsurgical treatment that helps a patient understand their condition, recover the use of affected joints and muscles, and help them return to work and daily activities. The goal of physical therapy is to make movement and activity easier, reduce your pain, restore muscular function and strength, and help you return to your pre-injury activities, work, and recreation.
Your doctor may recommend physical therapy to help you recover following surgery, following an injury, or to alleviate the pains of long-term health problems, including:
- Back pain
- Tendon or ligament injuries or tears
- Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
- Spinal stenosis
- Multiple sclerosis
The type and number of treatments a patient needs depend on the diagnosis and condition. In many cases, improvement can be achieved simply through appropriate exercise and learning more about how your body works.
Services Provided at AOOK PT
- Orthopedic and manual therapy
- Certified hand therapists/custom splinting
- Sports medicine
- Athletic trainers on-call
- Graston/IASTYM therapy
- Kinesiotaping
- Pre- and postoperative care
- Wellness/fitness assessments
- Industrial services
- Dry needling
- Performance training
Why Choose Advanced Orthopedics of Oklahoma?
- Clinical Excellence: We deliver evidence-based treatments and excellent clinical outcomes.
- We treat our patients with compassion and provide a unique and comfortable experience in a relaxed but highly motivating atmosphere.
- Advanced Orthopedics of Oklahoma offers eight convenient physical therapy locations, flexible hours, and appointments within 24 hours of referral.
Our specialty-trained physical therapy experts provide comprehensive therapy services. Combining specific exercises and activities to help patients restore joint and muscular function, strength, and range of motion for sports and orthopedic injuries, our experts are dedicated to helping patients return to their daily activities quickly and safely.
Our staff includes certified hand therapists, residency- and fellowship-trained manual therapists, sports medicine specialists, and industrial rehab specialists. With advanced training and certification, our experts help patients increase mobility, improve posture, and correct body mechanics through both nonsurgical and postsurgical rehabilitation programs.
To schedule an appointment, call (918) 927-3199, or use the buttons below to learn more.