
The back is one of the most important structural parts of the human body, allowing us to stand upright and balance on two legs. But it is also subject to many traumatic forces that can, either suddenly or over time, cause what most people simply call “back problems”. Sometimes the problem results in minor aches and pains, sometimes in severe but intermittent pain, and sometimes chronic or permanent disability.

The types of problems are numerous and their impact on your life can be significant. In fact, back problems are so common that approximately 20 million people in the United States experience back problems each year and, by the age of 65, more than 80% of all Americans experience a back injury of sufficient severity to affect their lives and work.

The cost of these problems in terms of medical care and lost productivity is estimated at more than $80 billion each year. Different structures of the back are subject to different problems and different regions of the back are more likely to suffer certain types of injury.

For more information about spine injuries and conditions, please call (918) 494-AOOK (2665).